Use the JavaHL SVN Connector instead of SVN Kit. to install the JavaHL Connector:
- In eclipse go to Help --> Install New Software...
- Work with: --> choose the update site
- Expand Subversive SVN Connectors
- Choose the JavaHL version corresponding with your version of subversion
- Click Next, and then follow the instructions to complete installation
- Window --> Preferences --> expand Team --> select SVN --> select the SVN Connector tab --> change the SVN Connector to JavaHL --> OK
There are additional steps for completing the JavaHL installation. Subversive doesn't seem to have any helpful documentation regarding this, but Subclipse does:
In Linux (elementary, Ubuntu, Debian), you can do this to finish the installation:
- Install libsvn-java:
sudo apt-get install libsvn-java
- Then edit eclipse.ini (located in /etc/ if you installed eclipse from a package or in the eclipse folder you extracted if you downloaded it from the eclipse website), and add the following line after the -vmargs line:
For Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit, the line should be:
- Restart Eclipse
So I recently switched to Subversive from Subclipse as my SVN plugin in Eclipse. I was checking out one of my repositories (a pretty big one), and I got this error:
Checkout operation for '' failed.
Java heap space
I have 1 GB of java heap space given to Eclipse (-Xmx1024m in /etc/eclipse.ini), and I don't think I've run out yet, but I went ahead and upped it to 1.5 GB. I got the same error. 2 GB--same error. I tried again with 2 GB of heap space, closing all perspectives to save memory, and it finally worked.
I new something wasn't right, but at first I couldn't find anything in Google. I kept searching, and finally found this:
Essentially the problem is a bug with the SVNKit SVN connector. There are two connectors available:
- SVNKit
- Pros: easier to install
- Cons: possibly buggier, because it's a Java reimplementation of Subversion
- JavaHL
- Pros: more stable, because it's a wrapper around the native subversion C code
- Cons: a little more work to set up
The solution, as mentioned above, is to use the JavaHL connector, because this problem is caused by a bug in the SVNKit connector.